Wednesday 1 May 2013


Although the both parties mentioned do not
enjoy the best of relationship for some years
now, no one knew it would degenerate into a
rofo rofo fight years after, until they finally
engaged each other in a severe boxing match
recently that finally earned AY a serious head but
from ‘Terry the Ginja’ .

For the purpose of those who may not have
understood the whole story, let us revert to the
beginning of the matter.

In 2009, AY Dot come launched an attack on
Terry G and warned him to stop performing his
song, “Pass Me Your Love” in shows. The song
which featured Terry and was also produced by
him turned out to be a monster hit single later
became the subject of a misunderstanding
between the two parties over the years.

While Terry on his part claims he has the right of
performing the song since it was a duet that
featured him, AY Dot Come maintained it was
never going to happen while he lives.

Meanwhile, AY on several occasions lamented of
how Terry G went about collecting money on his
behalf to perform the song without his consent.

Now from the story, you can see it was an age
long animosity which finally turned out into a
free for all fight, where blows were exchanged;
several bottles broken, people injured, trying to
separate the fight. Fast forward to what
happened at Terry G’s Iju home on his birthday.

An eyewitness said, ‘AY came in the company of
some friends as a sign of solidarity to celebrate
with the ‘Intellectual Mad Man’ on his birthday
and upon sighting him, Terry G Immediately
threw caution to the wind and all the madness in
him was let lose, as he punched AY severally and
landed him an headbutt.

AY upon being rescued reached out for the next
available weapon but was immediately
intercepted by friends and colleagues. At this
point the party was already thrown into a halt,
while Terry G insisted that Ay disappears from
his house before something worse happens. AY
was immediately seen to the gate of the
compound with bruises all over his body.

Neither Terry G nor AY was available to give their
reaction on the story, as their both numbers
were switched off as at the time of filing in this