Wednesday 24 April 2013

i've done 14 abortions and i'm pregnant again.

hi admin please help me post this

Am 18 years old lady. Am at campus,
i've done 14 abortions and i'm
pregnant again. When i saw my doctor
he told me that if i remove this
pregnancy, it may result into a
permanent problem. But still i want to remove it coz am still young. I want to
visit another doctor. Advise me what
should i do?

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Photo: hi admin please help me post this

Am 18 years old lady. Am at campus,
i've done 14 abortions and i'm
pregnant again. When i saw my doctor
he told me that if i remove this
pregnancy, it may result into a
permanent problem. But still i want to remove it coz am still young. I want to
visit another doctor. Advise me what
should i do?

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here is an idea don't abuct the baby....dumb ass don't Ð☺ wat γ̥ό̲̣̣̣̥υ̲̣̥ will later regret